Whistle Blowing Policy
Modern Terminals is committed to the highest standards of openness, integrity and accountability. In line with that commitment and to promote business ethics, the company instituted a Whistle Blowing Policy to encourage anyone with concerns about suspected unethical or unprofessional conduct to come forward and disclose details to senior management.
This policy applies to all levels of management and employees and the whistle blowing channels are also available to all vendors, contractors, customers and the general public. Persons making complaints under this policy are assured of protection against victimisation. The company will respect the confidentiality of the whistle blower and the whistle blower will respect the confidentiality of the whistle blowing case.
Whistle blowers should submit a whistle blowing report to senior executives of Modern Terminals via e-mail to whistleblowing@modernterminals.com or via regular mail to the Group Managing Director, Administration Building, Berth One, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong.