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Modern Terminals Raises Awareness of Marine Conservation

09 August 2023

Modern Terminals is committed to sustainability and spares no effort in promoting marine conservation. In partnership with WWF-Hong Kong and Clearbot, a Hong Kong registered start-up company, our company recently launched a programme titled Modern Terminals Cares for the Ocean to enhance the awareness of the importance of protecting the marine environment among the younger generation.

Between November 2022 and May 2023, we organised eight educational sessions for various stakeholders including students from our Project WeCan partner school, Cotton Spinners Association Secondary School. Participants observed the marine litter collection performed by the Modern Terminals-sponsored clearbot, an AI-enabled robotic boat, conducted coastal clean-up activity, and collected water samples for microplastic analysis. Close to 180 participants gained a deeper understanding of marine conservation. Members of our Modern Volunteer Force provided volunteering services onsite.

As part of the programme, the clearbot sponsored by Modern Terminals has been deployed across multiple locations in Hong Kong to help remove marine litter. During the operations, the clearbot collected plastic waste and other kinds of waste.

The programme not only has raised awareness of the importance of marine environmental protection, but also allowed us to demonstrate our support for entrepreneurial projects focused on environmental improvement, in this case Clearbot, a start-up that utilises technology for marine conversation.

Modern Terminals remains dedicated to sustainable practices and continues to seek partnerships, leverage cutting-edge technology, and spearhead initiatives that have a lasting positive impact on our environment. Together, let us continue championing the cause of marine conservation and safeguarding our oceans for generations to come.


Participants enjoy the programme

Demonstration of marine litter collection works

Collection of Water samples

Laboratory analysis

Modern Terminals sponsors a clearbot to help remove marine litter from Hong Kong waterways


Visit WWF-HK’s website to see their programmes to protect the environment [WWF-Hong Kong | WWF Hong Kong]

Read about Clearbot’s vision to use AI and renewable energy to deploy robotic boats to help clean waterways around the world [Clearbot- Creating the future of ocean mobility]