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Modern Terminals Summer Fitness Programme 2018 draws to a pleasant close

29 August 2018

Modern Terminals Summer Fitness Programme 2018, our annual community initiative with the YMCA New Territories Centre as supporting organization, successfully concluded with a closing ceremony on 26 August 2018.

With the aim of promoting sports to lead a healthy life, the programme provided 14 hours of sports training to children from low-income families in Kwai Tsing. Participating children could learn a new sport and build confidence through the activities. A new spiritual development session was introduced this year for the participants to learn how to relieve stress. Activities also included a half-day adventure which helped strengthen parent-child relationship and a personal development day camp.

The programme started in July with 40 participants receiving training on rope skipping or dodgebee. Among the participants were students from our Project WeCan partner school Cotton Spinners Association Secondary School and children of staff members of Modern Terminals in addition to children from low-income families. Members of Modern Volunteer Force provided volunteering services onsite.

At the closing ceremony held at Modern Terminals, the programme participants showed their achievement by taking part in a dodgebee competition and rope skipping performance.

Among the programme participants, 94% reported they can now master the basic skills of the respective sports and 81% of them have developed a habit of taking part in sports activity. 88% indicated that they liked and enjoyed the programme.

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Participants receive certificates at the closing ceremony


Dodgebee competition


Rope skipping performance


Adventure activity


Development camp