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The First Outstanding Apprentice of Container Terminal Industry in Hong Kong
Congratulations to Mr. Chong Ng Chau and Miss Ching Hiu Man on receiving recognition at the 2015 Outstanding Apprentices Awards, organized by the Vocational Training Council. Mr. Chong, the first graduate of the Apprenticeship Scheme from Modern Terminals (MTL), is also the first apprentice from the Hong Kong container terminal industry to be recognized as one of the Top 10 Outstanding Apprentices. Miss Ching, the first female apprentice from MTL, is recognized as one of the Top 30 Outstanding Apprentices.
From the 5,000 apprentices in Hong Kong, 200 apprentices were recommended by their respective companies to compete for the Award. The selection process included onsite assessment by the Inspectors of Apprentices and an interview by the Committee on Apprenticeship and Trade Testing.
In March, Mr. Chong joined the exchange programme to Singapore that was organized for the Top 10 Outstanding Apprentices. He said, “We visited the Institute of Technical Education and a global FMCG company. The trip helped broaden my horizon, allowing me to understand the latest developments in their apprenticeship training and education system.”
Mr. Lee Kwok Tung, General Manager, Engineering and Procurement Department of MTL shared, “I take pride in witnessing the growth and development of Ng Chau and Hiu Man at MTL over the past few years. This is not only a testimony to the efforts and potential of our young colleagues, but also recognizes the concerted efforts of the MTL team. Through the curriculum we designed and the support of our mentorship and support arrangements, we are determined to support our apprentices and build a highly professional team.”
MTL’s Apprenticeship Scheme was launched in 2012, in collaboration with the Office of the Director of Apprenticeship, offering an attractive career development prospect to the young people who aspire to join our company.